Bulk saffron
March 3, 2020
saffron price
March 20, 2020√ Public information about the Coronavirus
√ Public information about the Coronavirus
One of the saffron benefits is increasing the immune system.
These days the danger and concern of coronavirus have become a concern of the people.
Various vaccines have been developed to prevent Infecting Covid-19 and reduce its side effects if infected. But generally, the main and most efficient way to immunity against any disease is to boost the immune system.
Although people often look for spices like saffron to improve the taste, aroma, and color of the foods, saffron has a lot of special nutrients and properties. Saffron is one of the herbal remedies that has numerous properties.
Saffron contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is necessary for human health. We all know that white blood cells are the body’s first line of defense against disease. Vitamin C, or the ascorbic acid found in saffron, increases the process of white blood cell production. By increasing white blood cells, the immune system is strengthened.
Vitamin (C) in saffron also reduces the risk of colds and flu by boosting the immune system. Using saffron also improves respiratory health.
► How to use saffron properties to counteract the Coronavirus
► Saffron benefits that cause strengthen the human immunity system
► The appropriate dose of saffron
► The best way to profit from Iranian saffron benefits
► White saffron properties
► Benefits of using saffron powder
► Properties of Iranian Saffron flower petals
► Some of the most important saffron benefits in brief
How to use saffron properties to counteract the Coronavirus
Due to the anti-flu properties of natural saffron, brewing it with tea and consuming it with lemon can be very useful.
Also, water and rose water in combination with a little saffron will be an effective detox.
To make this tea you should mix 3/4 of glass water, a 1/4 of a glass of rose water, and a teaspoon of balm with a teaspoonful of herring and wait half an hour for the balm and herring to glaze.
Then add the teaspoon of the dried saffron to the ingredients and stir again, then you can drink the tea after adding a little natural honey. This amount is repeatable and useful 2 to 5 times a day for adults.
It is recommended to consume high-quality antioxidants, such as saffron, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper, to enhance the immune system.
Saffron benefits that cause strengthen the human immunity system
Saffron is a very rich property spice that also gives a very delicate color and aroma to foods.
Saffron properties are uncountable that we’ve tried to collect some of the most important ones for you.
Saffron lowers blood fat and cholesterol. It is calming, appetizing, antispasmodic, preventing heart disease, and cancer, enhancing memory, and, lowering blood pressure. From the saffron plants in the treatment of asthma, skin diseases, eye diseases, urinary tract infections, jaundice, pretreatment Menstruation, abdominal flatulence, gastric pain, and, anemia are used.
Saffron aids in digestion and is a gastric enhancer and is used as a painkiller, especially for gum pain.
Another saffron benefit is its antidepressant property, while according to Iranian traditional medicine, saffron has a refreshing effect. According to research results, using saffron in food and drinking at least one cup of saffron tea per day is recommended for relaxation.
Saffron enhances mindfulness and is effective in preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
It is also effective in treating nerve pain and insomnia.
Having saffron in the diet prevents the development of genetic.
Saffron is effective in regulating the function of the visual cells and protects the visual cells against damage. It prevents the progression of eye diseases and revives damaged eye cells.
It is also effective in the treatment of retinal yellow spot disorders that develop in old age, therefore its balanced use is recommended to the elderly and people with eye diseases to take saffron properties.
Saffron has many antioxidant properties with more than 100 various antioxidant compounds, which many of them find and neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts of cell metabolism that can alter healthy cells or destroy them. Saffron can strengthen the general immune system and, in more specific cases, prevent the spread of cancer in the body.
According to the results of this study, the use of saffron seems to prevent the occurrence of carcinogenic gene sequences and has a great effect on repairing damaged DNA molecules.
Saffron lowers blood fat and cholesterol.
In the following, we will explain each of the properties and benefits of saffron in detail.
1. Saffron benefits to cancer prevention
Saffron properties can specifically prevent cancer or prevent spreading cancer in the body.
One another saffron benefit is an antioxidant property with more than 100 different compounds. There are various antioxidant compounds in saffron properties, many of which find and neutralize free radicals.
Free radicals are byproducts of cell metabolism that can alter healthy cells or destroy them.
Saffron properties can strengthen the general immune system and, in more specific cases, prevent the spread of cancer in the body.
According to the results of studies, using saffron seems to prevent the occurrence of carcinogenic gene sequences and has a great effect on repairing damaged DNA molecules.
Improve nerve function
The vitamin B family plays an important role in the body.
There is a large amount of vitamin B6 in saffron that can help the nervous system function by preventing some of the most dangerous disorders.
Some other important saffron properties are the ability to improve respiratory health, optimize the digestive system, relieve pain, improve sleep patterns, reduce bleeding, improve heart health, increase blood circulation, prevent diabetes, strengthen bones and Improve immune function.
Saffron contains over 150 different compounds including carotenoids, safranal, crocin, antioxidants, and other biochemicals. Saffron also contains minerals and vitamins that are essential for human health.
Researches show that saffron consumption reduces the risk of developing cancer cells in the liver, as well as decreasing the number of proteins that are a primary sign of cancer, and the onset and progression of the disease are much slower.
This study proved that saffron plays an anticancer role by helping to plan apoptotic cell death, preventing the undifferentiated proliferation of cancer cells, and the anti-inflammatory effect.
Among other medicinal saffron properties, it can purify and strengthen the liver; saffron also prevents the spread of breast cancer and other types of cancer in the body.
Liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world and the third leading cause of death in cancer patients.
Research shows that saffron has a significant effect on the prevention of liver cancer. In a way, it inhibits cell division and stimulates planned cell death (apoptosis). Scheduled apoptosis or cell death is a natural way of getting rid of unnecessary or abnormal cells.
The main risk factor for this cancer is a chronic infection caused by the hepatitis B and C virus.
Other risk factors include:
Excessive consumption of iron, fatty liver, alcohol, and exposure to environmental carcinogens found in tobacco, cosmetics, gasoline, and processed foods, including milk and meat products.
Saffron is a herbal product that is added to foods as a spice to create flavor and color. Previous studies have shown that this plant has antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties and can be widely used as an anticancer substance.
Research shows that one of the saffron benefits is reducing the risk of developing cancer cells in the liver, as well as decreasing the amount of protein that is a primary sign of cancer, and the onset and progression of the disease are much slower.
Saffron contains carotenoids, and according to scientific
findings, these carotenoids induce different responses to cancer of the human carcinoma, malignant cancers (sarcoma), and leukemia in humans.
2. Saffron benefits and saffron properties affect the gastrointestinal system
One of the oldest and best-known saffron properties is curing heartburn and bloating. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory nature of saffron helps to relieve stomach pain and reduce inflammation, thereby improving constipation, reducing bloating, colic and constipation, and healing more serious diseases such as gastric ulcers.
Saffron tea relieves abdominal pain. Saffron brew is effective for moderate to severe abdominal pain and upper abdomen. It also relieves the pain of the large intestinal membrane.
Saffron tea can induce vomiting and coughing to relieve chest, throat, and stomach pain.
3. Saffron properties to eliminate Swelling and inflammation
Saffron cream and oil, as a common massage tool, can be used to relieve pain throughout the body and provide relief.
people who suffer from sports injuries, arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory diseases, Don’t overlook saffron properties.
Also, for the topical treatment of bruises and wounds, the fast-acting antioxidant compounds in saffron can help speed up the healing process.
Those who suffer from swelling and pain after an accident or trauma to their body can greatly benefit from the saffron properties to help reduce swelling and their pain by using saffron as a meal or syrup.
Furthermore, saffron benefits, in addition to improving blood flow, which ultimately relieves pain and reduces swelling can also affect the patient’s morale and empower him, and return to normal.
Saffron use for these people, in addition to alleviating the patient’s anxiety, relieves his fear.
Another saffron benefit is that it causes the hair to grow.
4. Anti-depressant properties of saffron
Saffron benefits are effective in preventing depression. Modern research has also shown that saffron has antidepressant properties.
It has been reported that getting a lot of brewed or saffron spices makes you feel happy.
5. Saffron benefits and properties for women and new mothers
One-third of mothers experience symptoms of depression in pregnancy or the first four years after delivery.
Saffron, along with its unique fragrance, has therapeutic and positive effects on the improvement and treatment of menstrual cramps, postpartum abdominal pain, and postpartum depression.
We often use saffron, this fragrant plant to decorate and color our food, but perhaps alongside the ornamental aspects of this red plant, less consider the therapeutic properties and its positive effects on the recovery and treatment of menstrual cramps.
Chinese therapists, however, take advantage of saffron benefits, this expensive, herbal medicine to treat many mental and physical ailments.
These therapists help their patients overcome the disease by determining the appropriate dosage of saffron.
They believe that consuming as much saffron as you can with one meal can have a huge impact on improving circulation in the body.
By having saffron with food, people can improve the absorption of nutrients in different parts of the body by improving and facilitating blood flow to the body.
Menstrual Pain Relief
Chinese therapists help reduce their monthly pain by prescribing saffron to women who complain of monthly menstrual pains.
The use of this herbal medicine as a syrup or as a food because of its analgesic properties reduces menstrual pain, especially in women whose menstrual bleeding is delayed.
In previous years, saffron was used as a stimulant for menstruation in women who did not have regular menstrual regulation.
Saffron brew is also used to reduce uterine bleeding, facilitate bleeding, and reduce menstrual pain.
Of course, this tea should not be consumed by pregnant women, as several studies have found that it causes spontaneous abortion.
6. Saffron benefits as an Anti-Alzheimer herb
For the first time, Iranian researchers made antidepressants and Alzheimer’s with saffron ” For the first time after 10 years of research on saffron, researchers at Tehran University of Medical Sciences developed two drugs to treat depression and Alzheimer’s.
Researchers said in an interview with IRNA: These drugs will be marketed with Saffromode brand for antidepressants and Saffron for Alzheimer’s for the first half of this year.
The saffron plant has been tested in two clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease.
Saffron was compared with placebo in the first phase and the
second phase it was tested with the main drug of Alzheimer (Donepezil).
There was no difference between the effects of saffron properties and donepezil. The results of this study were published in two prestigious European and American journals.
The license to manufacture and supply Iranian antidepressants
and Alzheimer’s drugs made from saffron have been obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical.
7. Saffron properties and benefits to strengthen the heart function
Saffron has a special role among the foods used to maintain health and the measures are taken for heart disease, a traditional medicine expert said.
From traditional medicine’s point of view, saffron properties are useful for increasing the desire and influencing food and medicine to the heart.
Traditional medicine elders recommend that saffron is better added in combination with medications used for heart patients to better guide and penetrate the heart In the pharmaceutical industry.
From the modern medical point of view about saffron benefits, Saffron prevents the rise of cholesterol and triglycerides and, bad blood fat and prevents them from depositing in the vessels.
Also in patients with heart attacks, saffron is the drug, which reduces blood clotting in the heart and prevents damage to the heart muscle, the traditional medicine specialist added.
Among Saffron benefits, it can be noted that saffron maintains the function of the left ventricle in the face of traumatic factors and the antihypertensive effects of saffron have also been proven.
According to studies, saffron tea has been reported to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the veins, thereby preventing heart disease.
Saffron brew contains substances called crocetin that lower blood pressure.
For this reason, saffron helps prevent high blood pressure.
8. Saffron properties are also effective in treating cold
As you know, the cold season is one of the most common types of
cold. Often a viral disease, the body’s immune system is weak, leading to lethargy.
Nowadays, as people become aware of the dangers of chemical drugs, they are no longer willing to use them and are re-orienting themselves to traditional medicine.
Saffron is one of the herbs that is known in traditional medicine for its unique medicinal and therapeutic properties and is considered
a special place. Saffron properties are effective in curing a common cold.
saffron benefits in medicine industry
Saffron petals include the essential ingredients in the body.
The history of these purple petals goes back thousands of years in Iran.
The saffron plant is an Iranian herb and Ibn Sina’s LAW book has been mentioned the Saffron benefits including:
anti-depressants, skin lightening, and eye-enhancing properties.
If we want to talk about the Saffron properties Its antioxidant properties can be mentioned. Brewing these petals has many properties.
China is one of the countries most prone to these petals because they believe that this plant has the saffron benefits as much as it can handle many diseases and problems of the body by brewing and drinking it. These days Chinese buy saffron flowers on the farm.
There are other saffron benefits which saffron petals are used in the industry. In the dyeing industry, carpets and clothes that need to be dyed with natural dyes, these purple petals can be used.
The appropriate dose of saffron
Saffron consumption dose per month is 2 to 3 grams. Therefore, you should be careful to use only up to 5 grams of saffron for a month, and over-consumption of saffron should be done with the prescription of a doctor or therapist because the overuse of this herb has many side effects.
So we recommend that you only use saffron in one of your daily meals. Just be careful not to overdose on it.
Continuous use of this herb has many different properties, one of which is to increase happiness.
◉ Dangers of overuse of saffron
Consuming saffron at high doses can have potential risks, as the high accumulation of highly active elements in saffron can have a variety of effects on the body. However, at lower doses (e.g. in meals or in the form of supplements), no specific side effects or allergic properties have been observed.
Some reported side effects include dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, fatigue, and changes in appetite and taste, but these symptoms are very rare.
As always, consult a qualified physician or botanist before adding a new serious ingredient to your diet.
Saffron benefits when benefits are, Sufficient dose of it is used Otherwise, excessive usage can be disadvantageous as stated, excessive consumption of saffron is harmful and reduces blood pressure and excessive dilution of blood, vomiting, decreased heart rate, bleeding from the nose, bleeding from the eyelids and lips, causing headache, lethargy, Yellowing of the skin and other dangerous side effects can even lead to death.
Researches show that eating saffron during pregnancy prepares one for easy childbirth. According to the researches, the consumption of saffron during the critical period of pregnancy, the first three months of which the organs are not formed, can cause harm to the fetus.
Saffron consumption in the first three months of pregnancy increases prostaglandin hormone in the uterus and has a direct stimulating
effect on the smooth muscle of the uterus, resulting in the possibility of miscarriage, but its balanced consumption after the first three months of pregnancy is beneficial to the mother for delivery. Saffron gives elasticity to the uterine tissue and makes delivery easier.
The best way to profit from Iranian saffron benefits
How to prepare saffron
Pour some water into the kettle and place it on the flame until it reaches boiling point, then pour boiling water into the cup and put some saffron in it, and let stand for 5 minutes until it is brewed and until it cools down. Skip the tea filter and add some honey to drink and enjoy it.
Increasing global demand following the discovery of the amazing properties of saffron root or white that amazed researchers.
Like other components of saffron, saffron root has many properties and is effective in treating many diseases, such as jaundice, strengthening of the sex and liver and nerves are examples of the effects of saffron root properties on the human body.
Learning disorders and brain cell repair and visual and memory
enhancement are other scientific breakthroughs in research on white saffron that have surprised researchers.
saffron root due to its lightweight, the volume is very high and after the export of all red saffron, white saffron is welcomed by European and Arab countries, especially Dubai because of the lower price of saffron and have saffron benefits.
Saffron has warm nature as we discussed before so the best way to exploit the usage of the Iranian saffron is to brew it in the hot water.
The monthly usage of 3 grams of the Iranian Saffron has an observable effect on the human body’s immune system and protects it against many diseases.
Iranian Saffron has the most immersive medicine properties which promote health in humans includes optimizing the digestive system, eliminate pain, boost heart health improves sleep patterns, strengthen bones, and improve immune function as well.
Why should saffron be milled?
In each saffron strand, there is about 2% fixed oil which contains oleanolic acid and riboflavin is another compound in saffron.
The best way to use maximum saffron benefits is to grind it, “Powder of each plant releases its compounds with greater efficiency and percentage and when you use the saffron milling you use it the most. “The saffron strands have a finer texture and are quickly released in boiling water or Lukewarm water, and thus can be used to their maximum benefit. Never put saffron on direct heat.
Just pour the milled saffron in a glass of boiling water or lukewarm water and brew for a while.
If the saffron is poured directly into the food for a while on direct heat, it reduces the effects of saffron and saffron properties while the saffron must be poured into the foods at the last moment.
How do people benefit from the saffron properties?
Saffron is a crop that is used by all nations of the world and in various forms as follows:
In different parts of the world, from Westminster London to San Francisco’s restaurants and cafes in the United States and tea houses from traditional countries such as Iran, Turkey, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Saffron tea is a stylish drink. Other uses of Iranian Saffron for medicinal and treatment purposes are satisfactory.
Saffron is used as herbal tea, Herbal tea is a hot drink in which a part of a flower, leaf, stem, root, skin fruit or other components of medicinal herbs is placed in boiling water, then a Chinese or glass teapot or kettle is placed on gentle heating. This Saffron tea can slowly steep from 10 to 15 minutes.
To prepare Saffron tea, half a gram of Cut Saffron (Sargol) is added to the boiling water. There is no heating so the degree of boiling water is decreased. The Saffron tea was slowly steep in a Chinese or glass teapot or kettle from 10 to 15 minutes. Seal the teapot with a tight-fitting lid to keep the steam from escaping. Then the stylish and pleasant Saffron tea is ready for drinking. This herbal drink after one hour will lose its excellent flavor and color, and high quality.
To prepare a tincture, grind 2 grams of Saffron and mix it with 20 grams of white alcohol at 80 degrees and keep it in a glass container. Place this glass in a dark place and shake it every day, after 2 weeks strain the spent herbs and it is ready to be used it. The maximum amount of tincture of saffron is 10 to 15 drops per day.
White saffron properties
What is white saffron or saffron root?’
Saffron is composed of two parts: Sargol ( all red stigma) and root (cream).
The main part is red or the Sargol. The white part attached to the end of the head is called the saffron root or white saffron. The color of these strands is light yellowish-white.
As the name implies, white saffron is the root of saffron. This type of saffron has two different varieties known as “white Poushal” and “white bunch” (the root that carries some red saffron).
White saffron has different uses in different parts that we will mention below.
Many people use saffron roots because of the cheapness of this type of saffron and its properties as well.
It’s also used in many foods because of its fragrance.
Also, some fraudsters buy it, dye it with artificial colors and sell it as pure saffron.
White saffron has a good flavor but is less expensive than other saffron products because of its low coloring.
This part of saffron although has low coloring power has many compounds. This is why saffron root is used in the treatment of some diseases.
Crocin causes the saffron red stigma color, and the Crocin grade determines the saffron coloring power. Saffron root does not contain crocin.
However, white saffron has all the saffron benefits.
Saffron has many medicinal properties but if you can’t buy saffron due to its high price you can use white saffron (cream) at a lower price.
Saffron has long been used by scientists such as Zakaria Razi, Abu Burhan, Ibn Sina to cure diseases.
• saffron root benefits:
As we mentioned earlier, saffron root doesn’t have coloring power but includes all the saffron properties that researchers have found new results in new research on saffron, including in the treatment of jaundice, sexual and liver enhancement, learning disorders, and cell repair.
Analgesic of abdominal pain, bladder-inducing pain, reducing postpartum hemorrhage, inhibiting the growth of cancerous tumors, useful in treating excessive fatigue, useful in treating asthma.
Benefits of using saffron powder
To maximize the special characteristics of Saffron such as its aroma, taste, and color, the Iran Saffron powder should be prepared with 6% moisture using traditional methods or powder molding machines.
In a traditional way, which is usually done with stone mortar, you have to add a little sugar or salt with the amount of Saffron you want to grind and gently turn it into powder using an abrasive method.
Dry Saffron is susceptible to powder, but if Saffron is kept in an inappropriate place and absorbed moisture is not suitable to be powdered. So, Place the Saffron in a dark and dry environment to reduce its moisture.
In such a way that the Saffron does not lose its aroma, taste, and color. If it is not possible to dry the Saffron at room temperature, you should dry the Saffron for half an hour at about 20 to 30 degrees Celsius by heating.
The more the Saffron threads turn into smaller particles, the better the flavor, taste, and color of the Saffron can be dispersed. To achieve a better result, powdered Saffron can be passed through a very fine sieve to produce a very soft powder.
It can be used in various forms for medicinal purposes and food spice. This powder should be kept in an appropriate colored glass container and placed in a dry and cool environment.
Properties of Iranian Saffron flower petals:
In the past years, Saffron petals did not use in any specific field even in feeding livestock Nowadays medicine and health companies utilize Iranian Saffron petals in making toners and makeup removers.
Properties of Iranian Saffron flowers:
Purple flowers of Saffron have numerous benefits that we will discuss in this article through the details, As further you know Saffron farms are hosting the flowers of the red and purple yearly in two weeks.
The most obvious benefit of Iranian Saffron purple petals are disinfectant and Anti-inflammatory. These petals protect precious stigmas like a jewelry box.
After the separation procedure of stigmas, violet petals of the Saffron do not have any usage for farmers, but nowadays pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies utilize the petals of this precious flower in a wide range of dermatological properties like producing cleaners and beauty care products.
Some properties of saffron petals:
- Low blood pressure
- Depression treatment
- Has antioxidant properties
- Prevent liver cancer
- Menstrual facilitation
- Prevention of blindness
Some of the most important saffron benefits in brief
- The soothing effect of pain.
- Saffron is a good menstrual regulator.
- It causes nerve irritation.
- Saffron is hematopoietic and facilitates blood circulation.
- Saffron consumption eliminates postpartum hemorrhage and reduces bleeding.
- Saffron strengthens the sexual arousal and increases sexual arousal
- Among other medicinal saffron properties, can be noted that it makes the liver purified and strong.
- It relieves or reduces cough and has a beneficial effect on the treatment of bronchitis.
- Cleans the kidney and bladder;
- Saffron is a good sedative.
11- Saffron is anticonvulsant.
- Eliminates or reduces gastric gas.
- Saffron is a good diuretic.
- Other medicinal and therapeutic saffron benefits include brightening the face.
- Saffron enhances the power of memory and learning.
- Among other interesting saffron properties, it can reduce blood pressure.
- Another characteristic of saffron is lowering blood lipids.
- Properties of saffron are the asthma treatment
- Saffron is very effective in the treatment of seizures and toothache pain and is used 5 to 2 grams per liter as a tail. Because of its antioxidants, it is also used as a potent cardiovascular preventive medicinal and therapy disease and cancer.
- Saffron prevents the spread of breast cancer.
- Saffron not only doesn’t have the side effects of artificial dyes such as allergens but also saffron properties contain vitamins B6, B2, B1, vitamin C, and other nutrients needed by the body, and if you want to always be happy, use saffron.
Some facts about saffron benefits:
Saffron is a native plant in Europe and Asia that is mostly is dried as a spice and brew.
As you all know, this is a very expensive spice. The reason is that about 5,000 stigmas of the saffron plant provide us only one kilogram of spice.
Although saffron has recently lost popularity due to its high price and popularity with other herbs that are not only as good as the saffron but also have health benefits but saffron benefits are not comparable and countable.
Saffron is not just used as a prized spice but according to the amazing healing and medicinal properties have been used traditionally to treat disease and has various medicinal and pharmaceutical a property and benefits so, these points encouraged other countries to export this product. According to these benefits and facts, Iranian Saffron has become the most prized and valuable product in the world market.